A planning application for Ivy Cottage, on Church Street, has been approved, subject to conditions.
The proposals include two storey and single storey rear extensions, removal of existing outbuildings and chimney, alteration of the side porch canopy, and the replacement of the existing carport with a new garden building – along with boundary wall improvements and associated landscaping.
The officer report says: “The two storey rear extension will project 6m from the rear elevation of the original dwelling and will be 4.6m in width.
“This will effectively ‘square off’ the existing staggered rear elevation with the proposed extension having matching eaves and ridge height.
“The single storey rear extension will project 3.9m from the rear elevation of the dwelling and will be of a flat roofed design with an overall height of 2.7m increasing to 3.4m at the point of the central lantern.”