File photo : Cobra Gold Exercise
The 43rd Cobra Gold will kick off later this month for a two-week duration to strengthen cybersecurity cooperation among multinational troops, according to an informed military source.
The source mentioned that the region’s largest and longest-running military exercise will commence on February 27 and conclude on March 10. This year, the event will involve nearly 9,000 troops, mainly from Thailand and the US. Additionally, soldiers from 30 other countries will participate in training, observation, and knowledge-sharing, including joint tabletop exercises.
Since its inception in 1982, the annual exercise has proceeded uninterrupted, demonstrating the strength and resolve of the close Thai-US alliance. The primary objective has been to increase interoperability among Thai-US forces and their allies and friends.
Last year, the training also focused on cybersecurity cooperation for the first time. Other training includes senior personnel training, humanitarian and disaster relief exercises, as well as field training. In previous years, participating forces were trained to survive in jungles and dispose of landmines.
Given the recent developments in the geopolitical landscape and conflicts, the term ‘cybersecurity’ now has a more comprehensive meaning. Modern conflicts are unfolding in space and online. For experts, cyber warfare is the future of war.