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Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road: Release Date, platforms, gameplay, story

Eliana Bollati

Fans have a lot to look forward to in the next Chapter of the Elder Scrolls Online, Gold Road. It’s bringing a brand-new storyline as well as a new system and a new trial to the game. Here’s everything we know so far.

Gold Road is set to take players on an exciting journey through parts of Tamriel less traveled as they search for the truth behind the forgotten Daedric prince, Ithelia, and her lost kingdom of Mirrormoor.

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It also brings with it a brand-new system, Scribing, which adds a whole new level of customization to skills to suit any play style.

Now we’ve had a sneak peek of what’s to come during the global reveal, here’s everything we know about the Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road.

Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road Key ArtZeniMax Online Studios

The new Chapter will take players to West Weald, an area bordered by Cyrodiil and the Gold Coast.

Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road release window

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road is scheduled for release on June 3, 2024, for PC/Mac players and June 18 for Xbox and PlayStation.

This was confirmed by ZeniMax Online Studios during the ESO Global Reveal event on January 18.

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The game is currently available for pre-purchase for all platforms, with players pre-purchasing before March 18 receiving bonus rewards including a pet and mount.

Elder Scrolls Online game playZeniMax Online Studios

Players can pre-purchase the game before March 18 for bonus rewards at launch.

Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road platforms

Gold Road will be available across PC/Mac, Xbox, and PlayStation. However new players should make note that there is no crossplay available in ESO.

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Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road story details

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road, will take players to West Weald in search of the long-forgotten Daedric Prince Ithelia — a prince of crystal and color, not cosmic horror.

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Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road Key Art of ItheliaIthelia, the forgotten prince, once ruled over the realm of Mirrormoor.

Players arrive to chaos and the discovery of a dense rainforest jungle, seeming sprung up overnight in the region. They also encounter the mysterious “Recollection,” a splinter group of wood elves who consider themselves Ithelia’s devout worshipers.

Throughout the story, players will discover what happened between Ithelia and the other princes, and who she really is.

There will also be a series of “capper” quests. These can be unlocked by completing the main stories of both Necrom and Gold Road.

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Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road new trial

Elder Scrolls Online gameplayZeniMax Online Studios

The new trial, Lucent Citadel, will bring a new challenge for veteran ESO players.

Gold Road is bringing exciting new content for players to sink their teeth into in the form of a new trial. We know the name of the trial is Lucent Citadel. But so far everything else about this new trial is still under wraps. We’ll be sure to keep this space updated as further details are released.

Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road new gameplay features

Scribing is a new system coming to Gold Road. The new gameplay feature will allow players to customize skills along World and Weapon skill lines. As part of the new system, players will also be able to alter the appearance of their skills. Changing their colors and eventually adding other visual effects too.

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Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road trailer

The first cinematic for the Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road was showcased by ZeniMax Online Studios during the ESO Global Reveal event on January 18, 2024.

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