Hamelin Gold (ASX:HMG) is preparing to continue aircore and reverse circulation drilling south at the Sultan and Fremlins South prospects in Western Australia, after receiving results from phase one drilling.
The company plans to continue drilling along the Fremlins South trend where a regionally “significant” geochemical anomaly remains untested.
Hamelin Gold, which has a market capitalisation of $19.68 million, says with only a small section of Fremlins South effectively drill tested, the immediate priority is to complete a heritage survey to undertake additional drilling along the remaining 3.5km of the system.
Managing Director Peter Bewick says the next phase of exploration will include a major soil sampling program, as well as further drilling.
“The mineralisation footprints of both systems can be measured in kilometres of strike and remain open along strike and at depth,” Bewick says.
“These are the sort of footprints that can host large-scale, high-grade gold deposits in the Tanami.”

Consultation with traditional owners is in progress, and the company aims to complete the next phase of drilling at Fremlins South in October or November this year.
As part of the phase one drilling program, the company intersected gold mineralisation along the entire 1,000m strike of the Sultan West geochemical anomaly, with results returning 2m @ 6.12 grams per tonne (g/t) gold from 52m.
At Fremlins South, a four hole drilling program was conducted, which intersected broad zones of gold mineralisation hosted in sediments.
Drillhole TLR0039 returned with 2m @ 1.4g/t gold from 42m, and 6m @ 0.12g/t gold from 156m.
Bewick adds that the results from the first phase of drilling at both prospects provides evidence that both areas have potential to host a major gold mineral system.
“Our understanding of the geology and mineralisation styles within these systems is growing significantly with every project we complete,” Bewick says.
Fremlins South and Sultan West both sit within the West Tanami Project in Western Australia.
Hamelin Gold is a gold explorer based in Perth. The company has a landholding of 2,277km2 in the Tanami Gold Province. The province is prospective for large-scale gold deposits.
Write to Aaliyah Rogan at Mining.com.au
Images: Hamelin Gold