May 05, 2022 / 12:30AM GMT
Thomas Wittenschlaeger – AYRO, INC. – CEO
So the question is what does the AYRO do. We’re an electric vehicle company and the segment we’re in is low-speed electric vehicles. I’m sure all of you are familiar with the forward-looking statements. We are a publicly traded company, ticker AYRO.
So fundamentally, what does the company do? The Company builds purpose built low-speed electric vehicles. And you say well, why would you bother doing purpose-built stuff. Why not just electrify an existing chassis? And the answer is because existing chassis are big and they’re heavy and they are way, way, way too beefy for electrification.
So there’s a massive difference between purpose building any kind of an electric vehicle and electrifying a chassis that was never meant to be electrified. That nuance is often lost on people, but it’s a very, very big deal.
So we’re building all electric low speed vehicle fleets. The product has three pieces. There’s the chassis, which is the vehicle, there’s the payload subsystem, which is almost infinitely reconfigurable, you can make it anything. You c