60.96 F
July 7, 2024
PI Global Investments
Precious Metals

Gold Digger: Precious metal steady amid Fed’s muddy yellow waters

  •  Gold price consolidates as more inflation-influencing US economic data looms on Friday
  • The World Gold Council sees positive narrative for gold remaining intact this year
  • Top performing ASX goldies this week led by: SIH, CBY, KTA


This week in gold. The Fed’s JPow spoke. Saw no sign of stag, no sign of ‘flation. The precious yellow metal pulled back a tad. A mere bump in the road? Further golden days ahead, predict analysts.

Let’s look a little closer, using slightly longer sentences here and there…

The price of gold in US dollars appears to have stabilised and held its ground at the $2,300 mark. At the time of thinking about the beer fridge late on an Aussie Friday afternoon, it’s changing hands for US$2,307.

In plastic fantastic Aussie dollars, it’s kicking around $3,511, down about $200 from the ATH of a couple of weeks ago, but still in fairly fine fettle.

Here’s a chart…

Source: abcbullion.com.au

What are some regular gold-watching analysts saying about the slight pullback and consolidation? Pretty much what we said further above.

That said, the US Fed’s latest FOMC meeting breakdown and message to the markets this week did muddy the waters just slightly with a bit of a bet each way on inflation and a sweet’n’sour tone.

The next catalyst from the always influential US of A is imminent, and it’s the monthly US (nonfarm) jobs data, which should (well maybe) provide some clarity about the strength of the US economy.

As Bloomberg writes:

“The nonfarm payrolls report may show a slower pace of gains, which could help bolster bets on rate cuts. Lower rates are typically positive for the non-interest bearing metal.”


Gold trajectory still intact?

The Fed’s latest unchanged interest rates non-move initially offered some respite for markets, including gold. The added statement from Powell was less hawkish than perhaps expected, too.

That, however, according to European editor of FXStreet and analyst Joaquin Monfort, saw gold dip on improved market sentiment and lower safe-haven demand.

But gold can ride the coattails of improved market sentiment, too, right? Yep – it’s a complicated old rock sometimes.

“Gold bulls bid up the price after the Fed decided to leave interest rates unchanged and to slow the pace of reduction of its US Treasury holdings, a mildly dovish move as it unwinds quantitative tightening,” added Monfort.

Gold’s inflation-hedge narrative is still one of its strongest, though, and the FXStreet analyst noted the pinch of hawkishness added into the Fedspeak soup that stated “in recent months, there has been a lack of further progress toward the Committee’s 2 percent inflation objective”.

Essentially, though, the message of: no rate cuts in the near term, but no rate hikes likely, either, has markets, including gold, perhaps in a state of limbo for now.

Monfort, though, sees the overall, medium-to-long term upside trajectory as remaining well in play.


The World Gold Council says…

… that global desire for gold remains strong, and in fact, gold demand has just marked its strongest quarter in eight years – up 3% year on year.

That’s been led by “healthy investment” from the OTC (over the counter) market, and “persistent central bank buying” as well as higher demand from Asian  buyers.

The World Gold Council, by the way, is a prominent and highly influential global member organisation of gold analysts and experts generally championing the role of gold as a strategic asset.


Aussies are letting the side down, though

In its Gold Demand Trends Q1 2024 report, the WGC also noted, interestingly, that: “Australia was an outlier, recording its lowest quarter on record for gold consumption, though ETF holdings remained relatively stable”.

At 4.3t, Australia’s gold consumption came down 37% from Q1 2023, including a halving in demand for bar and coins and a 15% drop in jewellery consumption over that time.

Cheapskates, us lot so far this year, then.

Shaokai Fan, Head of Asia-Pacific and Global Head of Central Banks at the WGC, commented:

“Australians, like most western investors, proved price sensitive and did not buy into the recent gold rally which saw the A$ price of gold jump 11.9% over the quarter, ending at A$3,397/oz. Continued momentum has since seen gold rise 6.3% in Q2 to A$3597.9/oz2, contributing to a total 2024 YTD rise of 18.2%.

“The decline in demand for gold ETFs was more modest as Australian investors held their gold ETFs relatively steady in Q1. The regional gold ETF holdings reached 40.5t in March, a mild 0.4t loss in the quarter and a 0.8t decline y/y.”


But, overall, things are looking good for rest of 2024

As for global (particularly led by China) central banks, though, as mentioned earlier at least they’re continuing to pick up the slack, adding 290t to official global holdings during the quarter.

“Consistent and substantial purchases by the official sector highlight gold’s importance in international reserve portfolios amidst market volatility and increased risk,” noted the World Gold Council.

Source: World Gold Council Gold Demand Trends Q1 2024

In addition, demand for gold in technology recovered 10% year-on-year driven by the AI boom in the electronics sector.

Louise Street, Senior Markets Analyst at the World Gold Council, said:

“Since March, the gold price has climbed to all-time highs, despite traditional headwinds of a strong US dollar and interest rates that are proving to be ‘higher for longer’.

“Typically, investors in Eastern markets are more responsive to the price, waiting for a dip to buy, whereas Western investors have historically been attracted to a rising price, tending to buy into the rally.

“In Q1, we saw those roles reversed with investment demand in markets such as China and India growing considerably as the gold price surged,” continued Street, before adding:

“Looking ahead, 2024 is likely to produce a much stronger return for gold than we anticipated at the beginning of the year, based on its recent performance.

“Should the price level off in the coming months, some price-sensitive buyers may re-enter the market and investors will continue to look to gold for a safe haven asset as they seek clarity around rate cuts and election results.”


ASX Winners & Losers

Here’s how ASX-listed precious metals stocks are performing, circa 4pm May 3:

Scroll or swipe to reveal table. Click headings to sort. Best viewed on a laptop.

Stocks missing from this list? Please email rob.badman@stockhead.com.au

Code Company Price % Week % Month % Year Market Cap
MRR Minrex Resources Ltd 0.011 -8% -15% -31% $13,018,410
NPM Newpeak Metals 0.021 5% 91% -79% $2,613,223
ASO Aston Minerals Ltd 0.012 -8% 0% -88% $14,245,707
MTC Metalstech Ltd 0.23 31% 35% -38% $40,625,237
FFX Firefinch Ltd 0.2 0% 0% 0% $236,569,315
GED Golden Deeps 0.038 3% -22% -46% $4,620,894
G88 Golden Mile Res Ltd 0.011 -8% -8% -45% $5,345,897
DCX Discovex Res Ltd 0.002 0% 0% -33% $6,605,136
NMR Native Mineral Res 0.017 -32% -19% -43% $4,197,010
AQX Alice Queen Ltd 0.005 0% 0% -71% $3,454,950
SLZ Sultan Resources Ltd 0.012 9% 0% -69% $2,371,038
MKG Mako Gold 0.014 -7% 8% -56% $13,664,115
KSN Kingston Resources 0.069 -3% -17% -27% $42,457,516
AMI Aurelia Metals Ltd 0.195 3% 22% 51% $337,953,481
PNX PNX Metals Limited 0.005 -17% 25% 67% $29,851,074
GIB Gibb River Diamonds 0.031 41% 11% -31% $6,556,793
KCN Kingsgate Consolid. 1.55 -4% 18% 14% $400,803,881
TMX Terrain Minerals 0.0035 -30% -13% -42% $5,726,683
BNR Bulletin Res Ltd 0.053 15% -16% -35% $14,387,053
NXM Nexus Minerals Ltd 0.067 3% 34% -24% $26,067,029
SKY SKY Metals Ltd 0.034 -3% 6% -29% $19,308,631
LM8 Lunnonmetalslimited 0.29 4% 16% -73% $63,174,577
CST Castile Resources 0.09 -4% 25% -7% $21,771,218
YRL Yandal Resources 0.115 -26% 19% 46% $32,136,914
FAU First Au Ltd 0.002 0% 0% -43% $3,323,987
ARL Ardea Resources Ltd 0.645 -24% -5% 47% $130,713,709
GWR GWR Group Ltd 0.1 -13% -5% 27% $35,333,832
IVR Investigator Res Ltd 0.047 -11% 9% -16% $72,858,460
GTR Gti Energy Ltd 0.006 -8% -20% -33% $12,299,683
IPT Impact Minerals 0.022 10% 47% 69% $57,294,078
BNZ Benzmining 0.15 -6% 15% -58% $16,691,696
MOH Moho Resources 0.004 -20% -20% -78% $2,156,713
BCM Brazilian Critical 0.022 -12% -4% -68% $17,758,964
PUA Peak Minerals Ltd 0.003 0% -14% -25% $3,124,130
MRZ Mont Royal Resources 0.052 -9% -26% -44% $4,336,519
SMS Starmineralslimited 0.036 -3% 0% -49% $2,809,144
MVL Marvel Gold Limited 0.009 0% 0% -31% $7,774,116
PRX Prodigy Gold NL 0.002 -33% -33% -80% $5,034,435
AAU Antilles Gold Ltd 0.012 -33% -37% -65% $13,181,490
CWX Carawine Resources 0.1 -5% -7% 6% $23,612,545
RND Rand Mining Ltd 1.57 -1% 12% 14% $89,295,259
CAZ Cazaly Resources 0.018 6% -5% -33% $8,183,454
BMR Ballymore Resources 0.125 -4% -4% -22% $22,091,323
DRE Dreadnought Resources Ltd 0.0155 -3% -14% -74% $59,722,240
ZNC Zenith Minerals Ltd 0.082 -14% -12% -47% $28,895,232
REZ Resourc & En Grp Ltd 0.013 0% 30% -19% $6,497,475
LEX Lefroy Exploration 0.11 -8% 10% -59% $22,050,433
ERM Emmerson Resources 0.045 0% -6% -38% $25,056,650
AM7 Arcadia Minerals 0.073 0% -14% -64% $7,960,657
ADT Adriatic Metals 4.5 7% 13% 29% $1,195,241,524
AS1 Asara Resources Ltd 0.01 -9% 11% -69% $8,821,754
CYL Catalyst Metals 0.88 1% 21% -9% $197,186,214
CHN Chalice Mining Ltd 1.12 -3% 1% -86% $433,694,084
KAL Kalgoorliegoldmining 0.031 -9% 24% -21% $5,389,024
MLS Metals Australia 0.022 0% 0% -37% $14,147,390
ADN Andromeda Metals Ltd 0.018 -5% -10% -54% $55,984,877
MEI Meteoric Resources 0.2175 -1% -7% 40% $447,776,965
SRN Surefire Rescs NL 0.01 11% 11% -44% $19,863,078
SIH Sihayo Gold Limited 0.0025 150% 150% 25% $30,510,640
WA8 Warriedarresourltd 0.0515 12% 23% -63% $29,992,937
HMX Hammer Metals Ltd 0.043 -7% 2% -48% $38,115,516
WCN White Cliff Min Ltd 0.016 14% 7% 100% $24,365,811
AVM Advance Metals Ltd 0.026 4% -32% -81% $1,185,540
WRM White Rock Min Ltd 0 -100% -100% -100% $17,508,200
ASR Asra Minerals Ltd 0.007 0% 17% -30% $11,647,970
MCT Metalicity Limited 0.002 0% 0% -20% $8,970,108
AME Alto Metals Limited 0.037 -14% 12% -46% $26,696,357
CTO Citigold Corp Ltd 0.005 0% 25% -17% $16,500,000
TIE Tietto Minerals 0.675 0% 11% 15% $774,717,507
SMI Santana Minerals Ltd 1.1375 -10% -14% 61% $204,554,935
M2R Miramar 0.01 0% -44% -77% $1,674,782
MHC Manhattan Corp Ltd 0.002 0% -33% -56% $5,873,960
GRL Godolphin Resources 0.025 -14% -31% -67% $4,662,478
SVG Savannah Goldfields 0.035 25% 40% -79% $7,870,378
EMC Everest Metals Corp 0.094 1% 12% 27% $15,278,329
GUL Gullewa Limited 0.055 0% 0% 0% $11,262,521
CY5 Cygnus Metals Ltd 0.083 -11% 60% -67% $23,907,849
G50 Gold50Limited 0.155 -11% 7% 0% $17,486,400
ADV Ardiden Ltd 0.155 0% -3% -49% $10,002,801
AAR Astral Resources NL 0.063 -11% 0% -16% $58,785,145
VMC Venus Metals Cor Ltd 0.083 -11% -11% -29% $15,747,481
NAE New Age Exploration 0.004 0% -11% -27% $7,175,596
VKA Viking Mines Ltd 0.011 0% 22% 10% $11,277,843
LCL LCL Resources Ltd 0.012 0% 9% -61% $11,462,706
ADG Adelong Gold Limited 0.004 0% 0% -64% $2,911,467
RMX Red Mount Min Ltd 0.001 0% -24% -62% $2,673,576
PRS Prospech Limited 0.044 13% 13% 57% $11,886,544
TTM Titan Minerals 0.028 -3% -3% -53% $52,471,063
NML Navarre Minerals Ltd 0.019 0% 0% -32% $28,555,654
MZZ Matador Mining Ltd 0.07 -11% 30% -5% $36,201,615
KZR Kalamazoo Resources 0.088 -3% 0% -35% $15,382,711
BCN Beacon Minerals 0.029 0% 12% -9% $108,946,277
MAU Magnetic Resources 1.05 -1% 11% 112% $264,450,608
BC8 Black Cat Syndicate 0.26 -4% 8% -42% $81,766,663
EM2 Eagle Mountain 0.075 27% 34% -34% $30,644,244
EMR Emerald Res NL 3.355 -2% 10% 75% $2,118,336,010
BYH Bryah Resources Ltd 0.008 0% -20% -65% $3,483,628
HCH Hot Chili Ltd 1.25 4% 5% 26% $149,306,508
WAF West African Res Ltd 1.3875 7% 9% 48% $1,377,171,439
MEU Marmota Limited 0.043 8% -4% 23% $45,528,425
NVA Nova Minerals Ltd 0.28 -5% 12% -21% $57,502,858
SVL Silver Mines Limited 0.1625 -10% -10% -24% $248,825,982
PGD Peregrine Gold 0.225 2% 0% -39% $15,612,037
ICL Iceni Gold 0.027 4% 23% -56% $7,150,271
FG1 Flynngold 0.034 -17% -22% -44% $5,580,791
WWI West Wits Mining Ltd 0.014 -13% -7% 0% $38,886,266
RML Resolution Minerals 0.0025 -17% 0% -50% $3,220,044
AAJ Aruma Resources Ltd 0.016 0% -16% -77% $2,953,373
AL8 Alderan Resource Ltd 0.005 0% 0% -29% $5,534,307
GMN Gold Mountain Ltd 0.004 0% -20% 33% $10,414,270
MEG Megado Minerals Ltd 0.01 0% -9% -75% $2,544,556
HMG Hamelingoldlimited 0.076 3% 6% -31% $11,812,500
TBA Tombola Gold Ltd 0.026 0% 0% 0% $33,129,243
BM8 Battery Age Minerals 0.1025 6% 3% -72% $9,405,433
TBR Tribune Res Ltd 4.48 2% 13% 28% $233,482,943
FML Focus Minerals Ltd 0.13 -35% -30% -35% $38,685,417
GSR Greenstone Resources 0.01 11% 43% -44% $11,672,687
VRC Volt Resources Ltd 0.005 -17% -17% -55% $20,793,391
ARV Artemis Resources 0.0165 3% -3% 27% $28,750,335
HRN Horizon Gold Ltd 0.27 0% 4% -22% $37,658,380
CLA Celsius Resource Ltd 0.011 10% -15% -39% $26,707,040
QML Qmines Limited 0.066 6% -6% -56% $15,172,011
RDN Raiden Resources Ltd 0.036 -3% 44% 929% $90,323,894
TCG Turaco Gold Limited 0.2 18% 11% 239% $120,761,889
KCC Kincora Copper 0.036 -8% -16% -45% $7,993,810
GBZ GBM Rsources Ltd 0.01 -9% -9% -70% $11,566,889
DTM Dart Mining NL 0.026 -16% -19% -58% $6,977,688
MKR Manuka Resources. 0.067 -18% -9% -14% $47,039,968
AUC Ausgold Limited 0.028 -7% -20% -43% $59,699,671
ANX Anax Metals Ltd 0.027 13% 8% -60% $15,965,562
EMUDA EMU NL 0.026 73% -13% -65% $1,349,848
SFM Santa Fe Minerals 0.049 4% 9% -11% $3,568,121
SSR SSR Mining Inc. 8.08 0% 13% -62% $38,327,950
PNR Pantoro Limited 0.083 -3% 19% 15% $442,342,594
CMM Capricorn Metals 4.79 -3% -10% 10% $1,834,300,231
X64 Ten Sixty Four Ltd 0.57 0% 0% 0% $130,184,182
SI6 SI6 Metals Limited 0.003 0% 0% -40% $7,106,578
HAW Hawthorn Resources 0.075 9% 7% -6% $25,126,171
BGD Bartongoldholdings 0.28 -2% 6% 12% $61,167,960
SVY Stavely Minerals Ltd 0.026 -13% -16% -81% $10,312,383
AGC AGC Ltd 0.099 25% 27% 98% $20,666,667
RGL Riversgold 0.0065 8% -7% -64% $6,289,799
TSO Tesoro Gold Ltd 0.038 3% 46% -12% $47,953,648
GUE Global Uranium 0.11 17% 10% -12% $28,986,465
CPM Coopermetalslimited 0.12 -4% 4% -66% $9,402,678
MM8 Medallion Metals. 0.056 -8% -8% -43% $17,228,493
FFM Firefly Metals Ltd 0.7775 9% 2% 30% $346,785,154
CBY Canterbury Resources 0.055 96% 49% 57% $10,304,454
LYN Lycaonresources 0.4 43% 158% 167% $14,979,125
SFR Sandfire Resources 9.42 3% 6% 49% $4,250,029,357
TMZ Thomson Res Ltd 0.005 0% 0% 0% $4,881,018
TAM Tanami Gold NL 0.038 0% -5% -5% $45,828,785
WMC Wiluna Mining Corp 0 -100% -100% -100% $74,238,031
NWM Norwest Minerals 0.045 -4% 55% 32% $15,136,661
ALK Alkane Resources Ltd 0.58 -11% -11% -32% $353,010,830
BMO Bastion Minerals 0.006 -14% -33% -77% $2,583,503
IDA Indiana Resources 0.081 -2% 7% 88% $49,776,708
GSM Golden State Mining 0.011 10% 0% -66% $3,073,077
NSM Northstaw 0.04 0% -11% -59% $5,595,031
GSN Great Southern 0.02 0% -13% -17% $16,349,674
RED Red 5 Limited 0.42 -2% 6% 171% $1,489,434,236
DEG De Grey Mining 1.245 -5% -5% -20% $2,341,850,889
THR Thor Energy PLC 0.017 -15% -26% -66% $3,303,970
CDR Codrus Minerals Ltd 0.042 8% 2% -68% $4,724,344
MDI Middle Island Res 0.017 -11% 6% -58% $3,703,518
WTM Waratah Minerals Ltd 0.115 -18% 34% -4% $17,923,740
POL Polymetals Resources 0.285 0% 8% -11% $44,132,986
RDS Redstone Resources 0.004 14% -20% -64% $3,701,514
NAG Nagambie Resources 0.0125 14% -11% -67% $9,957,946
BGL Bellevue Gold Ltd 1.6925 -2% -13% 27% $2,048,574,821
GBR Greatbould Resources 0.061 0% 2% -31% $36,032,511
KAI Kairos Minerals Ltd 0.012 0% -8% -40% $28,830,034
KAU Kaiser Reef 0.13 -10% -13% -40% $23,090,926
HRZ Horizon 0.034 0% -6% -40% $25,936,396
CAI Calidus Resources 0.1275 -2% 2% -31% $102,780,050
CDT Castle Minerals 0.0055 -8% -8% -68% $7,346,958
RSG Resolute Mining 0.4125 2% -6% -11% $926,136,756
MXR Maximus Resources 0.034 -8% 12% -8% $9,949,319
EVN Evolution Mining Ltd 3.745 -6% -1% 8% $7,844,217,144
CXU Cauldron Energy Ltd 0.039 -7% -3% 559% $48,646,025
DLI Delta Lithium 0.3125 8% 10% -30% $221,156,214
ALY Alchemy Resource Ltd 0.008 33% 14% -43% $8,246,534
HXG Hexagon Energy 0.022 0% -12% 100% $10,258,318
OBM Ora Banda Mining Ltd 0.315 5% 5% 133% $611,987,162
SLR Silver Lake Resource 1.4075 -1% 11% 18% $1,332,010,675
AVW Avira Resources Ltd 0.001 0% 0% -67% $2,133,790
LCY Legacy Iron Ore 0.016 0% 7% 0% $131,130,320
PDI Predictive Disc Ltd 0.2 -5% -11% 8% $404,867,597
MAT Matsa Resources 0.033 3% 10% -6% $14,843,545
ZAG Zuleika Gold Ltd 0.02 0% 5% 25% $14,721,710
GML Gateway Mining 0.016 -11% -30% -65% $5,527,351
SBM St Barbara Limited 0.2425 -8% 28% -8% $212,672,299
SBR Sabre Resources 0.017 6% -11% -26% $7,110,977
STK Strickland Metals 0.1025 -21% 3% 163% $176,940,495
ION Iondrive Limited 0.008 -11% -20% -64% $3,890,282
CEL Challenger Gold Ltd 0.073 -6% -9% -44% $99,476,187
LRL Labyrinth Resources 0.005 -17% -17% -57% $5,937,719
NST Northern Star 14.34 -4% -3% 8% $16,748,029,131
OZM Ozaurum Resources 0.053 -26% 15% -7% $8,413,750
TG1 Techgen Metals Ltd 0.028 -13% 0% -69% $3,587,712
XAM Xanadu Mines Ltd 0.069 -1% 8% 57% $118,404,415
AQI Alicanto Min Ltd 0.024 20% -14% -38% $14,152,747
KTA Krakatoa Resources 0.019 73% 111% -42% $8,025,823
ARN Aldoro Resources 0.068 -3% -6% -50% $9,423,662
WGX Westgold Resources. 2.13 -1% -23% 37% $1,041,970,006
MBK Metal Bank Ltd 0.021 5% -5% -29% $8,199,645
A8G Australasian Metals 0.085 23% 42% -43% $4,273,881
TAR Taruga Minerals 0.008 0% 33% -47% $5,648,214
DTR Dateline Resources 0.011 -8% -21% -35% $15,980,636
GOR Gold Road Res Ltd 1.605 -3% -3% -12% $1,744,184,746
S2R S2 Resources 0.125 4% -7% -11% $54,342,959
NES Nelson Resources. 0.003 0% 0% -40% $1,840,783
TLM Talisman Mining 0.275 6% 2% 72% $51,788,096
BEZ Besragoldinc 0.105 19% 19% -48% $41,391,990
PRU Perseus Mining Ltd 2.23 1% 2% 4% $3,063,554,409
SPQ Superior Resources 0.01 -9% -9% -72% $20,012,204
PUR Pursuit Minerals 0.0045 -10% 13% -74% $14,719,857
RMS Ramelius Resources 1.9225 -5% 6% 50% $2,239,552,103
PKO Peako Limited 0.005 25% 25% -38% $2,635,424
ICG Inca Minerals Ltd 0.005 11% -17% -76% $4,023,694
A1G African Gold Ltd. 0.024 -28% -20% -62% $4,915,180
OAU Ora Gold Limited 0.005 0% -17% 67% $29,030,004
GNM Great Northern 0.01 -23% -23% -67% $1,546,291
KRM Kingsrose Mining Ltd 0.035 -3% 0% -45% $26,338,428
BTR Brightstar Resources 0.016 -11% -11% 0% $46,497,490
RRL Regis Resources 2.045 -7% 1% -2% $1,578,658,109
M24 Mamba Exploration 0.022 5% -12% -78% $4,049,810
TRM Truscott Mining Corp 0.07 0% 35% 75% $12,135,694
TNC True North Copper 0.084 -2% -14% 58% $33,657,388
MOM Moab Minerals Ltd 0.005 0% -17% -44% $3,559,815
KNB Koonenberrygold 0.015 -21% -17% -60% $4,029,025
AWJ Auric Mining 0.17 -6% -15% 227% $25,254,073
AZS Azure Minerals 3.69 11% 1% 858% $1,692,527,632
ENR Encounter Resources 0.39 11% 50% 111% $175,491,441
SNG Siren Gold 0.06 0% 7% -40% $12,468,598
STN Saturn Metals 0.24 -2% 26% 45% $53,760,594
USL Unico Silver Limited 0.145 -9% 7% 7% $44,857,739
PNM Pacific Nickel Mines 0.032 -6% 23% -62% $13,384,099
AYM Australia United Min 0.003 0% -25% 0% $5,527,732
ANL Amani Gold Ltd 0.001 0% 0% 0% $25,143,441
HAV Havilah Resources 0.215 13% 26% -12% $68,077,430
SPR Spartan Resources 0.57 -7% -14% 350% $623,982,595
PNT Panthermetalsltd 0.039 8% 30% -44% $3,399,480
MEK Meeka Metals Limited 0.033 -3% -6% -15% $40,745,395
GMD Genesis Minerals 1.6975 -4% -12% 27% $1,907,286,671
PGO Pacgold 0.155 -6% -3% -62% $13,463,270
FEG Far East Gold 0.13 8% -19% -54% $34,774,223
MI6 Minerals260Limited 0.145 -9% -6% -64% $34,515,000
IGO IGO Limited 7.96 9% 12% -41% $5,891,543,585
GAL Galileo Mining Ltd 0.275 6% 4% -65% $53,358,730
RXL Rox Resources 0.17 -24% -10% -54% $64,636,996
KIN KIN Min NL 0.066 -4% 0% 69% $78,936,087
CLZ Classic Min Ltd 0.0075 7% -42% -85% $2,170,241
TGM Theta Gold Mines Ltd 0.15 -6% -14% 111% $106,730,976
FAL Falconmetalsltd 0.13 -7% -4% -63% $23,895,000
SXG Southern Cross Gold 2.26 10% 23% 327% $213,267,445
SPD Southernpalladium 0.5 0% 52% 1% $22,400,730
ORN Orion Minerals Ltd 0.018 0% 29% 13% $111,079,409
TMB Tambourahmetals 0.07 -11% -7% -44% $5,474,063
TMS Tennant Minerals Ltd 0.023 -4% -15% -32% $21,029,589
AZY Antipa Minerals Ltd 0.011 0% -8% -42% $45,482,887
PXX Polarx Limited 0.013 0% 8% 3% $26,643,769
TRE Toubani Res Ltd 0.12 -11% -14% -23% $20,079,850
AUN Aurumin 0.038 -22% 6% 27% $18,109,211
GPR Geopacific Resources 0.022 -19% 16% -8% $18,899,500
FXG Felix Gold Limited 0.07 -4% 71% -26% $16,369,994
ILT Iltani Resources Lim 0.19 9% 27% 0% $6,461,996
ARD Argent Minerals 0.016 -16% 33% 33% $19,418,052

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Notable weekly gainers

Sihayo Gold (ASX:SIH) +150%

Canterbury Resources (ASX:CBY) +96%

Krakatoa Resources (ASX:KTA) +73%

Emu (ASX:EMU) +73%

Lycaon Resources (ASX:LYN) +43%



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