65.17 F
July 4, 2024
PI Global Investments

Diamond Drama, More Caitlinsanity & Silver’s Streaming Envy

Welcome back to The Varsity, a private email on the business of sports—what the executives are really talking about, what the leagues are really worrying over, and what everyone is actually saying about everyone else. I’m John Ourand.

Happy Masters Day—the first official day of spring, as far as I’m concerned. Please say a prayer for all the water-logged sports executives traipsing on a soaking wet course today without their iPhones. This is not the kind of Augusta National hospitality they expected. Although they’d all still rather be at Amen Corner than in their corner offices.

Perhaps it goes without saying, but one of the benefits of joining Puck (it’s only been two and a half months!) is the opportunity to work with the best of the best. At the risk of parroting Jon Kelly’s weekly email, The Backstory, I want to point you to two stories that you really must read. First, check out Bill Cohan’s two-part interview with disgraced Apollo Global founder Leon Black. It’s utterly fascinating. Black talks candidly about his Jeffrey Epstein relationship, and goes into great detail about the lengths he went to keep his affair with Russian model Guzel Ganieva secret. Read both of these stories in full… trust me on this one.

Then there’s Dylan Byers’ latest reporting on the fallout from NBC News’s disastrous decision to hire (then fire, following an on-air talent revolt) Ronna McDaniel. Dylan writes: “‘No drama’ has essentially been the modus operandi at NBC News, and it’s part of why the Comcast guys in Philly like [Cesar Conde].” Of course, Comcast has applied that “no drama” mantra to NBC Sports, as well, in the 13 years that it has owned the company.

Finally, I’m excited to announce that I am no longer Puck’s new kid. We recently acquired Marion Maneker’s excellent substack newsletter, Artelligence, on the business and personalities that run the art world. Marion’s private email for Puck, Wall Power, launches next week. Look, I’m not going to pretend that I know a lot about the business of art—though I have visited the Louvre, and once ate lunch outside of the Tate Modern. But just as Lauren Sherman’s private fashion email, Line Sheet, is essential reading no matter who you are, Marion’s product will be, too. Sign up here. I know that Marchand, an amateur watercolorist, can’t wait.

Now let’s get to it…

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The Diamond post-bankruptcy saga continues, with all the landmines that we’ve been predicting and some that we have not. To wit: The business plan that company executives will present to a bankruptcy court judge in just six days, on April 17, includes only one long-term contract in hand—a deal with Charter Communications. (I’m told that talks with Comcast and DirecTV are progressing, that ubiquitous deal term of art.) None of this uncertainty is surprising. Distributors have well-earned reputations as brutal negotiators, and wouldn’t neglect the opportunity to steal a cane from an old man—or fleece…

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