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Golden and Silver Treasures: Croatia’s National Bank Unveils ‘Trsat Dragon’ Numismatic Coins

The Croatian National Bank has issued a gold and silver coin “Trsat Dragon,” featuring commemorative motifs representing the sculpture “Trsat Dragon” as part of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia. The gold coin is released with a denomination of 100 euros, while the silver coin has a denomination of 4 euros.

The artistic design of the gold and silver numismatic coins is credited to Natalia Danysz. The “Trsat Dragon” gold and silver numismatic coins will be available for sale starting on January 24, 2024, with a limited quantity of no more than 100 pieces for gold numismatic coins and no more than 5,000 pieces for silver numismatic coins.

Zlatnik Trsatski zmaj scaled

Photo – HNB

The numismatic coins will be sold by the Croatian Minting Company Ltd., and the initial selling price is expected to be around 2,350.00 euros for the gold numismatic coin and approximately 40.00 euros for the silver numismatic coin excluding VAT. The selling price at the time of purchase will depend on the fluctuations in gold and silver prices in the open market.

Interested citizens can acquire the “Trsat Dragon” numismatic coins from January 24, 2024, and information about ordering and purchasing more coins can be found on the Croatian Minting Company’s website.


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