PI Global Investments

Contractor wanted for highway infrastructure improvements on A379 near Exeter

Devon County Council is seeking a contractor to improve highway infrastructure on the A379 near Exeter in a £12.5M contract.

The works are described as construction of essential highway infrastructure on a strategic transport corridor enabling residential development to the south west of Exeter.

Devon County Council explains: “The existing Chudleigh Road has a junction with the A379. Vehicles using this junction have to cross a busy road and with the development planned, using this junction would become more difficult in the future. The existing junction is located close to the bridge which goes across the A30, meaning it is not possible to improve the junction without relocating it. The road is therefore planned to be realigned and will have a new, signalised junction with the A379 further to the east.”

The main elements of the work will include:

  • Construction of a new link road – Chudleigh Link Road – between the existing Chudleigh Road and the A379
  • A new signalised junction with the A379 and Chudleigh Link Road with associated widening of the A379 to provide two ahead lanes and a left turn lane northbound, plus two ahead lanes and a right turn lane southbound
  • Improvement of the A379 Ellacott Road traffic signal junction incorporating widening of the A379 to provide two ahead lanes and a right turn lane northbound and two lanes in the southbound direction
  • A new priority junction at the Chudleigh Link Road junction with the existing Chudleigh Road
  • The closure of the existing Chudleigh Road priority junction with the A379
  • Improvement of the shared footway/cycleway link along the A379 between Ellacott Road Junction and the A30 overbridge

More details on the scope of the works required for each of these elements is below.

Devon County Council experts works to start on 8 May and conclude on 9 July 2025.

Contractors have until 15 February to submit expressions of interest.

Detailed scope of works for A379 widening and Chudleigh Link Road construction

Construction of a new road link (Chudleigh Link Road) between the existing Chudleigh Road and the A379. The works include but are not limited to the following:

  • Ground improvement using mass soil mixing to an estimated volume of 14,500m3 – contractor designed to meet minimum performance requirements within the specification.
  • Foundation preparation through excavation of existing surface layers to provide a 500mm thick class 6C starter layer, benched to maintain a typical 2% fall.
  • Excavation and replacement of an area of historical landfill material adjacent the proposed junction with Chudleigh Road and the new link road.
  • Bulk earthworks for roadway embankment construction incorporating 48,000m3 of class 1A and 2C General fill.
  • Construction of a new surface water drainage system for the roadway including three separate pipe and gully systems, an attenuation system within the proposed roadway using 2 no. by 500mm diameter pipes, 3 no. outfalls to swales and cut off drains to the southern side of the proposed road embankment.
  • Construction of a piped drainage system within the roadway to accommodate the future housing development catchment areas. This system includes provision of 600mm diameter pipes, and a number of deep manholes.
  • New road construction approx. 400m long between junctions, the typical cross section of which includes a minimum 6.5m wide carriageway with kerbs to both sides.
  • Construction of a 2m wide footway on one side of the new road and a 3m wide shared path to the other separated from the carriageway with a 2m wide verge strip to both sides.

Construction of a new signalised junction with the A379 and Chudleigh Link Road. The works include but are not limited to:

  • Resurfacing of the existing A379 throughout the scheme extents.
  • Widening of the A379 northern embankment to accommodate the junction. The earthworks for the widening is to include benching of the existing embankment and the provision of Class 1A general fill to form the new 1 in 2 embankment slopes.
  • Construction of traffic Islands, ducting and associated civil works to facilitate the installation of traffic signals to the junction.
  • Construction of a maintenance bay for the new traffic signals.

The improvement of the existing A379 Ellacott Road traffic signal junction. The works include:

  • Widening of the A379 to the southern side including the reshaping of the bellmouth to Ellacott Road to facilitate the provision of two ahead lanes and a right turn lane northbound and two lanes in the southbound direction.
  • Reprofiling the cut slopes to the southern side of the A379 to achieve the widening.
  • Removal of the existing crib wall adjacent the school and reprofiling of the cut slope to the school boundary
  • Full depth pavement construction within the areas of widening.
  • Resurfacing of the A379 through the full extent of the widening works and the Ellacott road junction bellmouth.
  • Removal of existing and the construction of new traffic Islands, ducting and associated civil works to facilitate the installation of signals to the widened junction layout.
  • Construction of a new / realigned Shared footway cycleway through the extents of the widening.
  • The excavation and removal of the existing layby road pavement on the northern side of the A379. Remove bound pavement layers to an estimated depth of 300mm and replace with topsoil.
  • Removal of the existing footway between the existing Chudleigh Road junction and the Layby on the northern side of the A379.
  • Installation of a vehicle restraint system along the northern side of the A379 to provide protection from the risk of an errant vehicle impacting the pedestrian bridge pier.

Construction of a new priority junction at the Chudleigh Link Road junction with the existing Chudleigh Road. The works include:

  • Resurfacing the existing Chudleigh Road to the extents of the new junction bellmouth.
  • Construction of new footways and an uncontrolled crossing point to tie-in to the existing footway along Chudleigh Road.
  • The removal of the existing wooden blocked out beam vehicle restraint system to the eastern side of Chudleigh Road starting immediately north of the proposed junction and terminating opposite the Stanbury Row junction / access to Barratt Homes Victoria Heights Development.

The closure of the existing Chudleigh Road Junction with the A379 The Works include:

  • The excavation and removal of the existing road pavement within the Chudleigh Road junction bellmouth. Remove bound pavement layers to an estimated depth of 300mm and replace with topsoil.
  • The provision of new kerb lines to form the A379 and Chudleigh Road carriageway edges.
  • Installation of replacement departure length of Vehicle Restraint System from the A30 overbridge parapet on an improved parallel alignment with the A379.
  • Resurfacing and structural maintenance of the A379 pavement adjacent the junction.

The scope of works also include the following:

  • Provision of new traffic signs and road markings throughout the scheme extents.
  • Provision of civil work to accommodate a new system of street lighting.
  • Coordination of utilities diversionary works required by BT, Virgin Media, Vodafone, National Grid and SWW to accommodate the widening of the A379 and the new junction on Chudleigh Road.
  • The provision of civil works to accommodate the installation of new electrical supplies to the proposed lighting columns, signals and illuminated traffic signs by UKPS.
  • Construction of a new surface water drainage system to the A379 to accommodate the widened pavement area, the drainage system will include a new pipe and gulley system, attenuation within the proposed roadway using 2 no. by 900mm diameter pipes, and a new outfall to a toe of embankment ditch to the north of the A379 running between the Chudleigh Link Road and Trood Lane.
  • Topsoiling and landscaping to verge areas and embankments incorporating, native scrub planting to reinstate habitat for protected species. Amenity grass seeding to verge areas, species rich grass seeding to embankment areas, bulb planting areas and new tree planting.

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