Something you bought was just recalled. What does that mean?
What happens when something you purchase is recalled? Is it voluntary or mandatory? And what does it mean for you?
These real estate transactions were recorded in Richland County between Jan. 2 and Jan. 5:
1262 Ashland Road, Mansfield; St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mansfield to Frenchie Roast LLC; $300,000
Five parcels on Steven Drive, Butler; Katherine M. Bryant, trustee of The Bryant Keystone Inheritance Trust, to David and Johannah Knipp; $75,000
303 Eighth Ave., Mansfield; Darl W. Schifer to Barry E. Roark; $25,000
6396 Ohio 95 (two parcels), Butler; Alan D. Hayes to John Munrow; $180,000
920 Park Avenue East, Mansfield; Shalon N. Vazquez to Amy S. Biederman and Kathryn S. Tackett; $143,000
229 Fifth Ave., Mansfield; Apex Bank, fka Bank of Camden, to Shawna L. White and Charles O. Grice Jr.; $106,000
4962 Ohio 61 Shelby; Linda Moore to Roger and Amy E. Nedolast; $253,500
3315 Dinninger Road, Plymouth; Melvin Z. and Wilma R. Burkholder, trustees of The Melvin Z. Burkholder and Wilma R. Burkholder Living Trust, to Vaughn Conley; $68,000
1287 S. Trimble Road, Mansfield; Mansfield Investments LLC to Island Life Homes LLC and Trimble Property Holdings; $3,000,000
One parcel on West Fourth Street, Mansfield; 63 Rowland of Mansfield LLC to Erin Hendricks; $224,900
1321 Circle Drive W. (two parcels), Mansfield; Lisa M. Linscott, Russell E. Dill and Angela K. White to Anthony Linscott; $120,000
598 Dirlam Lane, Lexington; Mary J. Maynor, Randy Webb, Michelle Deskins, Michael Webb and Maunaka Schull to Amy A. Sweet; $248,500
747 Fairfax Ave., Mansfield; Rodney Ciesla, administrator of The Estate of Lorene Ciesla, to John Lynn; $36,000
109 Church St., Mansfield; April L. and John A. Fuhrer to Jaron Allen; $9,000
2240 Lakewood Drive (two parcels), Mansfield; Kathy L. and Robert J. Wolfe Jr. to Cheyanne A. Horvath and Kaden L. Young; $200,000
4433 Blooming Grove Road, Mansfield; Heiser Family Farm LLC to John M. and Debra A. Heiser, trustees; $2,000
482 Allison St., Mansfield; Paula Windom, et al. to Nicole Hoke; $39,920
2424 Lexington Ave. (two parcels), Mansfield; Tommy E. and Karen L. Washington to RKMK Holdings LLC; $180,000
43 Grand Blvd. (two parcels), Shelby; The Estate of Lee A. Smith to Diana Marvin and Yasser Ibrahim; $170,000
1382 Manner Drive, Mansfield; Robert J. Gandee to Brian S. Burggraf Jr.; $229,900
87 Malone Road, Mansfield; J. Steve Sheldon, sheriff of Richland County, Ohio, to Bricen Remy; $43,100
Two parcels (23.741 acres) on Ohio 39 and Taylortown Road, Shelby; Wayne Family Investments LLC to Melvin Z. and Wilma Burkholder, trustees; $268,521
60 N. Linden Road, Mansfield; Nathan J. Hickerson to Richland Home Buyers LLC; $60,000
3356 Ohio 96 E., Shelby; LAJI Properties of Mansfield LLC to Peter Schumacher; $142,000
2506 Holtz Road, Shelby; Corey M. Anderson to Cindy Nolf; $150,000
900 Lexington Springmill Road, Mansfield; Rent Apartment Ltd. to KXW Investment LLC; $1,090,000
52 E. Durbin St., Bellville; Sally A. and Larry Littleton Jr. to Joe Ammons; $46,000